Furniture shopping, more specifically couch shopping, has always been more stressful for me than not – it's a long term purchase, it's not something you can easily swap out. For us, living in a 1952 bungalow, we're never sure what will look good, or even FIT!!
Cue Cottswood! Every associate at Cottswood is an interior designer, there to understand your needs and style. This local Edmonton gem has been around for 35 years, is filled with amazing quality items and VERY customizable – definitely my favourite part!!
We were partnered with incredible designer, Kristi Kingdon, a fellow colour lover! Kristi made this whole shopping experience truly invigorating!! She listened to what we loved and didn't love. She understood our size limits, space functionality and the fact that beagle hair is a real life struggle. We played with orientations and colour until finally coming up with a wild piece that, I hope, brings comfort and joy to our family room.
We've had our current sectional for about seven years and it looks much older than that, not to mention a piece broke only after a year! We were very intentional about finding something that will grow with us in both function, quality and longevity. We want a piece of furniture that will last more than ten+ years. I'm so delighted to say that we found our DREAM piece!! I'm anxiously awaiting it's arrival and can't wait to show you a before and after reveal!
Cottswood made couch shopping inviting and exciting! Thank you Kristi and team for being so wonderful to work with and making this experience effortless.
This blog post was written in partnership with Cottswood. All views and opinions are my own.